Whether you like it or not as of July 2010 statistics indicated that over 500,000 people use Facebook all over the world. Such growth since February 2004 is unbelievable. The social application has created friendships between hundreds of users who friend each other, chat, play games and participate and interact with others through pages created by users. You may hate it when your friends send you "virtual gifts", Farmville invitations, Wheel of Fortune, Mafia Wars and so on. How about when your wall is loaded up with Yo'ville, Frontierville, Farmville, and now Cityville. Then you see someone has made a page that they don't care about your farm, your fish, your cafe or your Mafia. Hey you guys, don't you know if you don't want to see it just
BLOCK the application! Simple solution.
Personally I think these games are fine. Great for relieving some stress. That's what they are for....to have fun with! If you have friends that you know don't like them don't post on their walls. Friends if I post on your wall and you don't like my game, don't delete me, block the game. I don't mind the games if I play them, what I don't care for is when users
THINK others
are interested
that they clipped their toenails today or their dog threw up on the rug. WHO CARES??? Oh brother!
Let's see what they're saying now....
"Getting ready to do some unpacking...." Who cares! "I hate my XXXX job at XXXX" Then get another one, at least you have a job!
Think before you vent for the world to see! |
Sometimes you may be frustrated and want to blow off some steam. Cell phones make it so easy to vent your anger on the world wide web via facebook within seconds. Even at work. People, think about what you are saying before you post it for everyone to see. Don't go posting stuff that can come back and BITE you in the butt! Did you know many employers look you up on facebook before they consider offering you a job or a promotion? And once you get that job..... Don't go trashing your employer for everyone to see! If you don't like your job don't belittle your employer on the internet. It can and will be used against you. Granted we do have freedom of speech....but your employer also has freedom to hire and fire at will and many times without cause, so don't give them a reason!
Facebook can be a good thing. Ever wonder what happened to your best friend in 5th grade? Old friends find each other and catch up. Families and friends can stay in touch. Friends band together and pray for those in need and offer words of encouragement. You can see your baby nieces and nephews as they grow up through photo sharing. I have heard of users who have found lost relatives and reconnected. How wonderful is that? And how fun to have everyone wish you a Happy Birthday! Everyone loves to feel
Whether you like it or not facebook is here. How you use it is up to you.